Thursday, July 28, 2011

Still Contending...

As an avid reader, I enjoy certain writers.  One such writer is Bill Johnson ( of Bethel Church in Redding California.  In his book Imitating God,  he writes:

    "CONTENDING shapes us and makes us capable of carrying more than we've ever been able to before, and opens up for us areas of anointing in ministry that were previously out of reach.
     Often times GOD USES THE FIGHT to increase a person's experience in Him, far above all those around them.  I call it a SPIKE in human experience.
     ...The elevated experience is the position to equip the Body of Christ so that what was once the high point of breakthrough for an INDIVIDUAL has become the NEW NORM FOR THE CHURCH.
     Contending brings a breakthrough that must be shared.  ALL MUST BENEFIT from the price we pay to labor through the heat of the day.  It's just His way.  (pgs. 178-179)

I read these inspiring words more than year ago when our family's life was changed dramatically inside of one month... two diagnosis's of cancer (my husband and his father) and a law suit over a piece of commercial property we had once owned.  I had no idea how long and how hard we would "contend" for God's Will (for LIFE and RESTORATION) to be manifested in our lives.  I had no idea how deep the the "rabbit hole" of fear and terror actually went... (in my soul especially).

Unfortunately, my husbands' father did not survive his battle with cancer.  In addition, one other younger brother was diagnosed this last February and lost his battle only a few weeks later.

We are still "in process"... neither one of our circumstances have been confirmed as resolved...YET!  However, I have already found opportunity to "pass on" what we've learned so far to those who are curious or are in need.  I also never thought I would get to the point where I would experience any measure of freedom and peace of mind from the constant threat (both physical and financial) upon our way of life...I do experience it for longer periods of time now.  I'm still awakening to the many avenues in which He is favouring us... and... I'm slowly releasing the compulsions to "engineer" the outcome. 

I personally know God's love and care for us.  I have learned to be VERY ASTUTE to the many communications of "fearful expectations" that are mostly whispered or snuck into the movie screen of my mind.  I no longer agree with them and am vigilent to keep them barred from entry into my being by CONSTANTLY REMINDING myself of all that God has promised us.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Mark Twain...

I saw this the other day on the wall of a physicians' waiting room....

     "Loyalty to "petrified opinion" never broke a chain or freed a human soul."

                                                                                 Mark Twain

Enough said!